I’m Forlin Malang,this is my report....
I have finished 8 of my smesters.I have pass all my subject and these is the results.
1:Health sciences 2 B-
2:Behavioural sciences 2 C+
3:Health sciences 1 C
4:Nursing sciences 1 C+
1:Health sciences 2 B-
2:Nursing sciences 2 C+
3:Nursing sciences 3 C
1:Health sciences III A-
2:Health sciences IV B-
3:Pengajian Malaysia C
4:Pendidikan Moral B
1:Nursing sciences IV B-
2:Nursing sciences V B
3:Nursing sciences IX C
1:Nursing science VI B
2:Nursing sciences VII B-
1:Nursing sciences X B-
2:Nursing science XI B-
3:Nursing sciences XIII B
1:Nursing sciences VIII B
2:Nursing sciences XIII B
1:Behavioural sciences III B
2:Nursing sciences XIV C
This is my result for my clinical practice(CP).CP I A,CP II B,CP III B, CP V B, CP IV B+, CP VI B-.
Now im only continue my clinical posting.Now i only have 3 clinical practical left.this month,im continue my clinical practical 7.In this clinical practical,i attach at neuro surgery.In this ward,i experience to open the clip&suture at the site of patient’s surgery.i also experienced to monitor the patient with cvp line.
Last week i have been attach to operation theater(OT).First time attach at OT i’m feel so scared because this is new environment for me and everything is all about the surgery.It different from the ward environment.At OT my work is just assist the surgeon or doctor to perform the operation.in OT, i also see how the doctor perform the surgery such as patient with cataract,remove gallbladder,secerean section,appendix,subtotal gastrotomy,and mastectomy.i continue my cp in OT next week.
Other than that,i also have been to psychiatric hospital at sentosa hospital.At sentosa hospital,i have give the health education to the patient.And advise patient to see the doctor if any sign and symptom of their diagnosis.atpsychiatric hospital, i also have been to occupational therapy.here, we do some activity with the patient such as,dancing,poco-poco,karaoke, drawing and so on to make the psychiatric patient happy and to prevent them to isolate them self.any where,here is my interesting experienced because i can see the different behaviour of patient.itdifferent behaviour than the normal patient.
Other than that,i aslo have been to surgical ward,medical ward,radiotherapy unit,geriatric unit,orthopedic,labour and maternity ward,and accident & trauma department.
Community health nursing 1month and my management 2 weeks will be on my coming CP.This CP will attach at BAU hospital.this CP a bit problem to me because of the transport problem.i dont have transport to go to BAU hospital.To solve this problem i need to pay rm240 to go to BAU hospital.when i go to sarawak general hospital,i need to pay my bus fee rm70 per month.
That all my experience and my report.Thank you and MAY GOD BLESS YOU.......

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