MR. Tan...
It’s me beatcsy geoffery, this is my report.
Since julai 2012 i sarted go for clinical posting 5 and 6. At SGH or sarawak general hospital for 2 and half month before i seat for my final exam on october .that is my second last semester for diploma in nursing. Many a new knowledge and skill i learn in the ward during clinical posting. Because before this i only learn at class room but know i will see the real situation and patient in ward. i already attach in oncology ward (RTU) . for 3 week, that is ward for all who haved cancer. Seconds: at orthopedic ward( that ward for who having problem regarding bone problem). Know i attach at hospital sentosa( that hospital for patient who haved mental problem). I go to SGH and HOSPIAL SENTOSA by bus. And every month during clinical area i must pay RM70 for my shift duty and rm80 went i attach at hospital sentosa(office Hour) . Actually, before attact to clinical area i haved done semester 6 . my subject science vi result: B (6),nursing science vii result: C (7),nursing science viii(8) result:C. All my subject pass and thank god. Previously clinical posting i already attached and 2months practical, i have exam for practical session that called OSCE. OSCE for Clinical Practice 1,2,and 3 only . Thanks god all of my osce pass. OSCE CP 1 = A+,OSCE CP 2 =B+,OSCE CP3= B+. But in this semester not yet OSCE. That all about my report.
Finally, SELAMAT HARI RAYA and God blees you......

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