Hye, i’m cecilia Balan.I would like to write my report for my second last semester.. For this second last semester i have take 3 subject same with joanita,jennifer and beatscy ; that is Nursing Science 9,10 and 11. I will have my final exam for this subject on this october. Before this second last semester i go for practical. I attach at maternity ward, labour ward,Gynaecology,orthopaedic ward. At maternity ward,i have do taking obstetric history,do calculation when a mother delivery baby, do abdominal palpation for a mother,monitoring of foetal heart rate,give health education to mather how to do breast examination, breast care and postnatal exercise after delivery baby. At labour ward, i have monitoring of uterine contractions, do a physical examination to a baby, bathing baby,changing baby nappies and care baby under phototherapy. At gynaecology, i have do vulva swabbing,dressing,shaving and prepare patient go to OT.So many surgery i have been seen. At othopaedic ward, i have learned how to care patient on splint,traction and documentation of circulation chart. I also prepared amputation bed and prepare trolley for plaster of paris.After practical i have my exam practical that called OSCE. Ihave my OSCE CP2 andCP3.Im not yet do OSCE for my cp4.All my exam is pass.Below is my result for my OSCE exam.
After OSCE, I continued my clinical practical for CP 6.For CP 6, i go to medical ward,geriatric ward (for older patient), go to Hospital Sentosa for attach at psychiatric ward for 2 weeks,and go to geriatric ward again,and then go to neurosurgery ward,go to ENT(eye) ward,and back to geriatric ward again. At psychiatric ward, i have assessment or compentency to take history of psychiatric patient. So,i must talk with patient and my clinical instructor will assesst me.I also observed patient in ward for any sign and symptom of aggressive behaviour. So if patient aggressive, we will restrained them. So patient will not hurt other patient. Other than that, i also give health education to the patient so patient cannot relapse and see ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT).Other than that we also do occupational therapy to the patient.On Friday we bring them karaoke,drawing,writing dancing and make friend with them so that they will happy. This procedure cannot seen in the other ward it is special only at PSY.At geriatric ward just care of patient on bedsore, give patient feeding by Nasogastric tube,do bed bath, and give nebuliser to patient with AECOAD. For transportation go to practical is prepared by college but must paid rm70++ and rm 90++ for office hour.That all my report.Lastly,i want to thaks to sir TBF aka penan. Thank you so much.Gbu...selamat hari raya....bye....

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