Sunday, August 26, 2012
Cecilai Balan's Nursing Report.
Report by Cecilia Balan.
CP 2 = A
CP 3 = B+
CP 4 =B.
Report by,
Cecilia Balan.
Hye, i’m cecilia Balan.I would like to write my report for my second last semester.. For this second last semester i have take 3 subject same with joanita,jennifer and beatscy ; that is Nursing Science 9,10 and 11. I will have my final exam for this subject on this october. Before this second last semester i go for practical. I attach at maternity ward, labour ward,Gynaecology,orthopaedic ward. At maternity ward,i have do taking obstetric history,do calculation when a mother delivery baby, do abdominal palpation for a mother,monitoring of foetal heart rate,give health education to mather how to do breast examination, breast care and postnatal exercise after delivery baby. At labour ward, i have monitoring of uterine contractions, do a physical examination to a baby, bathing baby,changing baby nappies and care baby under phototherapy. At gynaecology, i have do vulva swabbing,dressing,shaving and prepare patient go to OT.So many surgery i have been seen. At othopaedic ward, i have learned how to care patient on splint,traction and documentation of circulation chart. I also prepared amputation bed and prepare trolley for plaster of paris.After practical i have my exam practical that called OSCE. Ihave my OSCE CP2 andCP3.Im not yet do OSCE for my cp4.All my exam is pass.Below is my result for my OSCE exam.
After OSCE, I continued my clinical practical for CP 6.For CP 6, i go to medical ward,geriatric ward (for older patient), go to Hospital Sentosa for attach at psychiatric ward for 2 weeks,and go to geriatric ward again,and then go to neurosurgery ward,go to ENT(eye) ward,and back to geriatric ward again. At psychiatric ward, i have assessment or compentency to take history of psychiatric patient. So,i must talk with patient and my clinical instructor will assesst me.I also observed patient in ward for any sign and symptom of aggressive behaviour. So if patient aggressive, we will restrained them. So patient will not hurt other patient. Other than that, i also give health education to the patient so patient cannot relapse and see ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT).Other than that we also do occupational therapy to the patient.On Friday we bring them karaoke,drawing,writing dancing and make friend with them so that they will happy. This procedure cannot seen in the other ward it is special only at PSY.At geriatric ward just care of patient on bedsore, give patient feeding by Nasogastric tube,do bed bath, and give nebuliser to patient with AECOAD. For transportation go to practical is prepared by college but must paid rm70++ and rm 90++ for office hour.That all my report.Lastly,i want to thaks to sir TBF aka penan. Thank you so much.Gbu...selamat hari raya....bye....

Jennifer Kawas's Nursing report, Aug 2012.
Report by Jeniffer Kawas.
Report by,
Hi, i’m Jennifer Kawas. When doing this report im doing my clinical practice 6 at General Hospital to continue my contact hour for medical ward since 9th july 2012.
All through my previous clinical posting that i’ve been attached to maternity & labour ward which is all about mothers and babies, Oncology(RTU ward) for cancer patients, and Orthopaedic ward mostly for patient that have problem with bones such as fractures or tumour. The rest ive been attached to medical and surgical ward.
Wards in SGH that im not attach yet is, Operation Theatre(OT),A&E Unit, Neuro surgery ward and ENT.
Last week, i have done my attachment to psychiatry hospital(PSY) at Hospital Sentosa Kuching for two weeks. We learnt how to talk with mentally ill patients, monitor the sign and symptomps of the illness that patients have, do ECT treatment on patient. We also bring patient for occupational therapeutic which is purposely to expose patient about what normal people do, such as
Result for OSCE CP2&3 is B+. OSCE CP4 is B.
0SCE For CP5 & CP6 will be coming soon after this CP and final exam done.
Semester7 about EyeNoseThroat, Comunity Health Nursing,& Communicable Disease have done before we go out for CP. Midterm exam already done, final exam will be on October. Its mean, 1 more semester left to complete my classess and will only to complete contack hour for clinical posting which is left 4 seasons more.
Our transportation to hospital is by bus. The bus fare is about rm70/month for shift duty and rm90/month for Office Hour.
This is briefly about my progress. Thank You and God Bless You.
Beatcsy Geoffrey's Nursing report, Aug 2012
Report by Beatcsy Geoffrey
Reported by:
Beatcsy geoffery
MR. Tan...
It’s me beatcsy geoffery, this is my report.
Since julai 2012 i sarted go for clinical posting 5 and 6. At SGH or sarawak general hospital for 2 and half month before i seat for my final exam on october .that is my second last semester for diploma in nursing. Many a new knowledge and skill i learn in the ward during clinical posting. Because before this i only learn at class room but know i will see the real situation and patient in ward. i already attach in oncology ward (RTU) . for 3 week, that is ward for all who haved cancer. Seconds: at orthopedic ward( that ward for who having problem regarding bone problem). Know i attach at hospital sentosa( that hospital for patient who haved mental problem). I go to SGH and HOSPIAL SENTOSA by bus. And every month during clinical area i must pay RM70 for my shift duty and rm80 went i attach at hospital sentosa(office Hour) . Actually, before attact to clinical area i haved done semester 6 . my subject science vi result: B (6),nursing science vii result: C (7),nursing science viii(8) result:C. All my subject pass and thank god. Previously clinical posting i already attached and 2months practical, i have exam for practical session that called OSCE. OSCE for Clinical Practice 1,2,and 3 only . Thanks god all of my osce pass. OSCE CP 1 = A+,OSCE CP 2 =B+,OSCE CP3= B+. But in this semester not yet OSCE. That all about my report.
Finally, SELAMAT HARI RAYA and God blees you......

Susan Guro's Nursing report, Aug 2012
Report by Susan Guro.
Hi...i’am susan guro. This is my last semester for my DIPLOMA IN NURSING.I have subject for this last semester, that is Nursing sciences XII (NS3244), Nursing sciencesXIII (NS3245), Nursing sciences VIII (NS2354) and Behavioural science (BS3214) will have my final exam on this october.Before this last semester, i go for my clinical practice 5 and clinical practice 6. CP 5, i attach at RADIOTHERAPY UNIT (RTU). In this ward, i have been give health education to patient about side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Other than that, i also do the chemotherapy care and do more blood transfusion for my improvement. And after attach at RTU, I go to PSYCHIATRIC (PSY)AT HOSPITAL SENTOSA,7TH MILE.First day at psychiatric,our clinical instructor have been orientation us. Then our clinical instructor divided us into 2 group. 1 group go to male acute and the second group go to female acute side.Here, i have assessment or compentency to take history of psychiatric patient. So,i must talk with patient and my clinical instructor will assesst me.I also observed patient in ward for any sign and symptom of aggressive behaviour. So if patient aggressive, we will restrained them. So patient will not hurt other patient. Other than that, i also give health education so patient cannot relapse and see ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT). This procedure cannot seen in the other ward it is special only at PSY. Here, i also attach at Out Patient Department (OPD).At OPD, I do the process to come again to meet doctor for review again.Ialso go to Depot. At the DEPOT, I give intamuscular injection to outpatient. Here i also have been attach to Occupational Therapy (OT). At OT, i see patient some craft such as teddy bear,pillow,locker,and do some activity like chicken dancing,poco-poco,karaoke and do the drawing anything they want. And after they draw, i give them some sweets, crackers,etc.After go for clinical practical, i have my OSCE FOR CP 2,3,& 4. Result for all this CP is pass. Thanks god. My CP 2 = B,CP 3= A, CP 4 =B. After OSCE, I continued my last semester and i will have my final exam on this october. Thank you, and that’s all my report. GBU.
Report by,
Forlin Malang's Nursing report, Aug 2012
Report by Forlin Malang,
Report by,
Forlin malang
I’m Forlin Malang,this is my report....
I have finished 8 of my smesters.I have pass all my subject and these is the results.
1:Health sciences 2 B-
2:Behavioural sciences 2 C+
3:Health sciences 1 C
4:Nursing sciences 1 C+
1:Health sciences 2 B-
2:Nursing sciences 2 C+
3:Nursing sciences 3 C
1:Health sciences III A-
2:Health sciences IV B-
3:Pengajian Malaysia C
4:Pendidikan Moral B
1:Nursing sciences IV B-
2:Nursing sciences V B
3:Nursing sciences IX C
1:Nursing science VI B
2:Nursing sciences VII B-
1:Nursing sciences X B-
2:Nursing science XI B-
3:Nursing sciences XIII B
1:Nursing sciences VIII B
2:Nursing sciences XIII B
1:Behavioural sciences III B
2:Nursing sciences XIV C
This is my result for my clinical practice(CP).CP I A,CP II B,CP III B, CP V B, CP IV B+, CP VI B-.
Now im only continue my clinical posting.Now i only have 3 clinical practical left.this month,im continue my clinical practical 7.In this clinical practical,i attach at neuro surgery.In this ward,i experience to open the clip&suture at the site of patient’s surgery.i also experienced to monitor the patient with cvp line.
Last week i have been attach to operation theater(OT).First time attach at OT i’m feel so scared because this is new environment for me and everything is all about the surgery.It different from the ward environment.At OT my work is just assist the surgeon or doctor to perform the OT, i also see how the doctor perform the surgery such as patient with cataract,remove gallbladder,secerean section,appendix,subtotal gastrotomy,and mastectomy.i continue my cp in OT next week.
Other than that,i also have been to psychiatric hospital at sentosa hospital.At sentosa hospital,i have give the health education to the patient.And advise patient to see the doctor if any sign and symptom of their diagnosis.atpsychiatric hospital, i also have been to occupational, we do some activity with the patient such as,dancing,poco-poco,karaoke, drawing and so on to make the psychiatric patient happy and to prevent them to isolate them self.any where,here is my interesting experienced because i can see the different behaviour of patient.itdifferent behaviour than the normal patient.
Other than that,i aslo have been to surgical ward,medical ward,radiotherapy unit,geriatric unit,orthopedic,labour and maternity ward,and accident & trauma department.
Community health nursing 1month and my management 2 weeks will be on my coming CP.This CP will attach at BAU hospital.this CP a bit problem to me because of the transport problem.i dont have transport to go to BAU hospital.To solve this problem i need to pay rm240 to go to BAU hospital.when i go to sarawak general hospital,i need to pay my bus fee rm70 per month.
That all my experience and my report.Thank you and MAY GOD BLESS YOU.......

Joan Aren's Nursing report, Aug 2012
Nursing report by Joan Aren.
CP 2 = B
CP 3 = B+
CP 4 =B.
Hye, i’m Joanita Aren. This is my report for my second last semester. For this second last semester i have 3 subject that is Nursing Science 9,10 and 11. I will have my final exam for this subject on this october. Before this second last semester i go for practical. I attach at maternity ward, labour ward,operating theatre,orthopaedic ward. At maternity ward,i have do taking obstetric history,do calculation when a mother delivery baby, do abdominal palpation for a mother,monitoring of foetal heart rate,give health education to mather how to do breast examination, breast care and postnatal exercise after delivery baby. At labour ward, i have monitoring of uterine contractions, do a physical examination to a baby, bathing baby,changing baby nappies and care baby under phototherapy. At operating theatre, i just assess surgeon do a surgery. So many surgery i have been seen. At operting theatre i work for office hour. At othopaedic ward, i have learned how to care patient on splint,traction and documentation of circulation chart. I also prepared amputation bed and prepare trolley for plaster of paris.After practical i have my exam practical that called OSCE. Ihave my OSCE CP2,CP3, CP4.All my exam is pass. The result is like the following :
After OSCE, I continued my clinical practical for CP 6.For CP 6, i go to medical ward,geriatric ward (for older patient), go to Hospital Sentosa for attach at psychiatric ward for 2 weeks,and go to geriatric ward again,and then go to neurosurgery ward,go to oncolgy ward (for cancer patient ) ,and back to geriatric ward again. At psychiatric ward, i have assessment or compentency to take history of psychiatric patient. So,i must talk with patient and my clinical instructor will assesst me.I also observed patient in ward for any sign and symptom of aggressive behaviour. So if patient aggressive, we will restrained them. So patient will not hurt other patient. Other than that, i also give health education so patient cannot relapse and see ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT). This procedure cannot seen in the other ward it is special only at PSY.At geriatric ward just care of patient on bedsore, give patient feeding by Nasogastric tube,do bed bath, and give nebuliser to patient with AECOAD. At Oncolgy ward, In this ward, i have been give health education to patient about side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Other than that, i also do the chemotherapy care and do more blood transfusion for my improvement.
For transportation us go to practical is prepared by college but must paid rm70++ and rm 90++ for office hour. So iwant to thanks to sir Tbf aka penan. Smile sir..Thank you so much.Gbu...selamat hari raya....bye....
Reported by,
Joanita aren.
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