Saturday, November 14, 2009

Penan's medicinal plants- ethnobotanical, in Lg Iman

#130 - Urud Tawang - cure sexual diseases.
#129 - lon uvut - takut hantu , budak nangis, to break a curse.

#128 - Kelalai - to blacken the teeth. the roots for kudis. Merit has similar leave.

# 124 - Wei Janang

# 123 - Daun mu'un - shoot edible, for ubat mapuk langkah, to hold water n to boil, for attap & the branch for tikar.

# 120 - rotan Bukii.

#119 - Kenatong - wood for small knife.

#118 - Tokot

# 117 - Selapik - for cough.

#109 - Ujung Bakong - For healing kudis.

#108 - Kahang sa'i - tongkat Ali.

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