Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nonie Nyaru' family.

Ukau, (left )brother of Dawat Lupong is married to Busak Beti, Nonie's Aunty
Nonie Nyaru (right)and Olivia at Lg Iman.

Nonie at the ferry crossing the Baram to Marudi.

Nyaru Beti and Rokia Kurau.

Excerpt taken from "An Ecological survey of the Penan", Peter M. Kedit, Sarawak MJ. Census of population of Penan within the Gunung Mulu National Park as surveyed between May- September 1978. Ages are approximate.

Family no. 4.
Bau Nyaring - husband - 33
Paya Seng - Wife - 30
Magau Beti - son ( passed away) - 14
Nyaru Beti - son ( Nonie's dad ) Nonie mom is Rokia Kurau. - 12
Busak Beti - daughter. - 11
Jemak Beti - son - 10
Zackheus Beti - son - 2
Tony Beti - son. - 1yr

2009 during our visit on 18 Oct 09 -
1. Busak Beti is married to Ukau, brother of Dawat Lupong. Has 2 boys and 4 girls.

2. Nyaru Beti/ Rokia Kurau has another son, Jefery in SMK Tutoh Apo beside Nonie.

3. Jemat Beti / wife Selyn( #626) - 1 boy is SMK Tutoh Apo, 1 girl in SMK Tutoh Apo.

4. Magau Beti ( deseased) 1 boy 4 girls.

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