Asik Nyelit "The Poison Man of Ba Ubong
Saturday "Agong Birthday" and Sunday, Dominic and me exchanges sms just because of a sms from Susan Dawat about Asik Nyelit."Kalau mauh jumpa Asyik, kita pergi Ba Ubong lah. Turun Long Seridan dulu. then jalan kaki lah ke sana. Asyik sakit sekarang ini. Dia kebas seluruh badan di Ba Ubong".
The following are Dominic sms:In May 2006, I brought him for treatment in Miri and Kuching and Doctor said heart problem. That Doctor told me last night that he will arrange and ask me to see another Doc to get the medicine. Asik son will go on Thursday with the medicine and he is hoping for assistance from you for the flight. If the condition is very serious he will call from Ba Ubong.Another sms;I think you got wrong info. His son said the msg we got from Haini was his condition in March. His son was there in March and now they don't know his condition. To clarify this, his son will call his brother ( who is suppose to be back in Seridan today). in Seridan tonite. He suggest to hold on till he confirm with him.( Asik's son is in Std 4 in Seridan, He got 8 children).
A sms from Haini in Mulu too.Dia mula sakit pada bulan Mac sampai sekarang ini. Sekarang ini dia masih sakit lagi. Dia penah pergi Hosp. Kuching tapi sembuh skjp saja ni sakit lagi.
Posted by tanboonfoo at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by tanboonfoo at 9:14 AM 0 comments
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