College life; First week on orientation.
Haini Yahaya and Olivia Andrew reported to PPKS Kuching on Jun 23, 2008. A day to remember for all of us in this group.
Both of them nightstop in Miri, Haini flying out from Mulu and Olivia from Marudi (she is from Long Balau ). Both of them stayed in Million Inn, Miri on the Sunday night and also did abit of shopping. Shopping is taken for granted by us, but to a Penan, there is no cash or little cash just enough to survive.
The next day Jun 24 Monday, they took a MAS flight at 8.40am to Kuching. I can imagine how it feel to have another Penan friend/ buddy to sit inside an aircraft to a modern age. Being served by a MAS Stewardess with a Malaysian Hospitality smile and "coffee of tea, miss".
They reported at PPKS and was handled by Mr. Sim who Haini met in the first interview. Then came the question of Registration Fees, and the girls panicked. I called Mr. Sim that the 2 girls will pay in the afternoon provided he fax to me the amount. So got to rush to the BSN and tranfer the money to them. One good thing about BSN is the money will appear in seconds in their account.
The first night, both of them slept in the Campus Hostel with beds next to each other. So they are happy. Second day, they are free in the day because they will attend Orientation at night. And it was till 12 midnight.
On the third day, news came that both of them are separated. Olivia in Campus and Haini outside Campus. Both want to stay together so it was quite chaotic. Both were stressed up and feel like crying. Haini got the worst deal outside campus as the bed is just a thin sheet of mattress, no water in the bathroom, no TV and no fridge. She cried and want to go home! I called Mr. Sim and Catherine Pero to help.
She found a bathroom with water but no light. I told her anything can do; it is "God's way of testing you". Later she found a new friend and they moved to another block on their own and there is water there and a fridge.
On the forth day; today, Catherine Pero called me up and told me that she sternly asked the Hostel Warden to moved Haini into the Campus immediately or face the CEO. They promised to do it in a week but she insisted it to be done by today.
Catherine also found that she is too timid and told her to be strong and outspoken. She also told her to eat more and she feels that Haini is undernourished. She cares enough wheather she has money which she say yes. I sms her about what Catherine told me over the phone and she sent me a mms photo "Miss Honey" "Tengok mana ada saya kurus...tembam adal"
There is also a video of Olivia taken by Haini which say "Olivia sedang ber-make up. Pheewitt...!he he saya jadi Mamarazi".